miércoles, 23 de abril de 2014

7. Job Interview.

Job interview + activities

Covering Letters

Covering Letters tips

Vocabulary, Listening and cover letter practise


 Does and donts in a job interview


 Tips for a job interview


Now it's your turn
Read the following advertisement from a local newspaper

Mather, CA

Rancho Cordova, CA

Sacramento, CA
Caregivers provide service to individuals in their own homes and communities, who need assistance caring for themselves as a result of old age, sickness, disability, those recuperating from illness or injury, and/or other inflictions. Personal Care may include assistance with the activities of daily living, housecleaning, laundry, meal preparation, transportation, companionship and respite. Caregivers are responsible for ensuring that service is delivered in a caring and respectful manner, in accordance with relevant Agency policies and industry standards. Our Caregivers will work independently with clients each day.


  • Assist with the activities of daily living and personal care including:
  • a. bathing
  • b. mouth care
  • c. dressing
  • d. hair care
  • e. feeding
  • f. toileting
  • g. medication reminding
  • h. skin care
  • i. exercise

  • Ensure client’s safety and security by supervising the home environment;
  • Teach/perform meal planning and preparation, routine housekeeping activities such as making/changing beds, dusting, vacuuming, washing floors, cleaning kitchen and bathroom, and laundry;
  • Provide companionship including social interactions, conversations, emotional reassurance and encouragement of activities that stimulate the mind;
  • Provides respite care for families in accordance with care plans;
  • Perform/assist with essential shopping/errands, which may include handling the client’s money in accordance with the care plan and under the observation of the supervisor;
  • Assist clients with following a written, special diet plan and reinforcement of diet maintenance, which is provided under the direction of a physician and as identified on the care plan;
  • Escort clients to medical facilities, errands, shopping and outings as specified in the care plan;
  • Assist clients with communication by writing or typing correspondence for them or researching information for them;
  • Participate on the Care Team by providing input and making suggestions;
  • Ensure service is delivered in accordance with all relevant policies, procedures and practices;
  • Monitor supplies and resources;
  • Follow the written care plan;
  • Carry out duties as assigned by the supervisor;
  • Observe clients and their environments and reports unsafe conditions to supervisor;
  • Observe clients and their environments and reports behavior, physical and/or cognitive changes and/or changes in living arrangements to supervisor;
  • Complete and maintain records of daily activities, observations, and direct hours of service;
  • Attend orientation, in-service training sessions and staff meetings
  • Develop and maintain constructive and cooperative working relationships with others
  • Communicate with Supervisor and co-workers.

  • Must have a valid driver’s license, car insurance, and reliable transportation.
  • Must have references and a good work history.
  • Must be willing to undergo a full background check and drug screening.

Write an application or covering letter for this job. Use the following guide.

Paragraph 1 (Where you saw the ad and the job)

I saw your advertisement in _________________ and I am writing to apply for the job as _______.

Paragraph 2 (Information about youself and your personality

I am ____ years old and I am a student at _______________. I am ________,______,____(Qualities).

Paragraph 3 (Work experience)

Last Summer/ One year ago/... I worked as ______, My duties included _______..

Paragraph 4 ( Enclose with your letter)

I enclose my CV and recent photograph

Looking forward hearing from you
Yours faithfully

lunes, 30 de septiembre de 2013

1. Introductions

Vocabulary: Jobs
A Retirement Home's Organization Chart:

How do you say these in English? make 3 groups and try to find out with a dictionary or at wordreference.com

  1. Director-Doctor
  2. Administative Subsection, Hygene and Sanitation Responsible. 
  3. Psychologist
  4. Social Worker
  5. Occupational Therapist
  6. Activities Coordinator/Sociocultural Worker
  7. Physiotherapist
  8. Administration-Reception
  9. Maintenance
  10. Gardner
  11. Nurses
  12. Kitchen
  13. Nurse Aid/Assistant/Caregiver/Healthcare assistant
  14. Hairdresser
  15. Podiatrist
  16. Laundry
  17. Supervisor
  18. Cleaning Services

Healthcare assistant job description

Now, complete your business card with your new information:

: _______________
                                                                   Position: _____________
                                                                   Center: ______________
                                                                   Phone: _______________
                                                                   E-mail: _______________

Exercises and phrases to introduce yourself: at work 

Introducing people listenings: family relationships


DAILY ROUTINES (Present Simple)
Grammar: Present Simple

 Listening 1 Stephanie Debord. p.8

Listening 2 Complete Stephanie's scheduleabove

SONG: David Dundas Jeans on 1976

When I ______________ in the mornin' light

I pull on my jeans and I feel all right

I pull my blue jeans on, I pull my old blue jeans on

I pull my blue jeans on, I pull my old blue jeans on

It's the ___________, and I know that you're free

So pull on your jeans and come on out with me

Oh  I need to___________ you near me,I need to feel you________________ to me

I need to_________ you near me, I need to feel you ____________ to me

You and me, we'll go _______________________ ridin' in the sun

And the wind and the rain.

I got______________ in my pocket, I got a tiger in my tank

And I'm king of the road ______________

I'll meet you in the usual place

You don't need a thing except your pretty___________,

I pull my blue jeans on, I pull my old blue jeans on

I pull my blue jeans on, I pull my old blue jeans on


unit1 int express from ingrid chavarria on Vimeo.


Digital file

viernes, 13 de septiembre de 2013

3. Cooking




pre-heat     oven
purchase    pie pastry
place         sugar in a bowl
add           cinamon nutmeg
stir            the mix
peal          the apples
slice          the apples
arrange     the apple slices in layers
sprinkle     each layer with the spice sugar mixture
cut            one table spoon of butter and dot it over the apples
cover        the pie with the top crust
seal and tream     the ages
bake         it for 10 minutes
reduce      hit
serve        it warm with ivanilla ice-cream

LISTENING: spaghetti recipe

Watch this video and answer the listening questions in order, they'll help you understand the video.

If you want to print them click here

1. The documentary starts with the question:
  • a)      Fat Food is greatly bad for you?
  • b)     Is fast food really that bad for you?
  • c)      Does fast food is really that bad for you?
2. What does his experiment consist of?

3. What will he need to do the experiment?
  • a)      his mum supervision
  • b)     teacher supervision
  • c)      medical supervision
4. What organs does the doctor mention in the first visit? Are these healthy?
  • a)      Heart
  • b)     Kidney
  • c)      Liver
  • d)     Lung
5. How does the Big Mac look like?
  • a)      the future
  • b)     the picture
  • c)      the culture
DAY 2 
6. The big coke… 
  • a)      is too small for the car drink holder.
  • b)     is too hot for the car drink holder.
  • c)      barely fits in the car drinks holder.
7. How does he feel after the meal?
  • a)      He has woman ache.
  • b)     He has stomach ache
  • c)      He has liver ache.
8. After day 3 he feels
  • a)      all right
  • b)     really bad
  • c)      he wants to smoke
9. (Answer later) In a lawsuit, McDonalds stated in its own defense that …“It is a matter of common knowledge that any processing that its foods undergo serve to make them harmful than unprocessed foods.” What does it mean?

10. Mac Nuggets are made of
  • a)      Kittens with unusually large breasts
  • b)     Chickens with unusually large breasts
  • c)      Chickens usually well fed
11. When processing Mac Nuggets, a chicken mash is combined with
  • a)      stabilizers and preservatives
  • b)     nebulizers and conservatives
  • c)      atomizers and condoms

12. He feels…
  • a)      sure in his heart
  • b)     pressure in his breast
  • c)      pressure in his chest
  • DAY 9
13. He feels…
  • a)      impressed
  • b)     depressed
  • c)      refreshed
DAY 18
  • a)      He has heartburn
  • b)     He has headaches
  • c)      He has heartache
15. The doctor says his vitamins are
  • a)      80% less than what he needs
  • b)     50% less than what he needs
  • c)      15% less than what he needs
16. The other doctor says that his cholesterol
  • a)      has risen
  • b)     has fallen
  • c)      has decreased
17. And that his
  • a)      liver is fatty
  • b)     lover is fatty
  • c)      liver is healthy
DAY 21
  • a)      His lover and Sidney are really harmed.
  • b)     His stomach and kidney are fine.
  • c)      His liver and kidney are really harmed.
DAY 30
20. What was the final result of his experiment? (Write down as many data as you can.)

21. What do the doctors recommend?

22. Finish the last sentence from the video:
Who do you want to see ____ fisrt, _____ or ______ ?
23. What does it mean?


jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2013

2. Human Body

Medication flashcards


capsule, tablet, jell capsule, ointment, dropper, medicine bottles, I.V., injections, syrup, suppository, inhaler

Hospital equipment


 basin, bed pan, IV pole, examination table, hospital bed, basin, beakers, disinfectant, stretcher, heart monitor, defibrillator

Patient equipment

crutches, wheel chair, cane, walker, brace, sling

Song: Good lovin

(Good lovin' . . .) 
(Good lovin' . . .) 
(Good lovin' . . .) 

I was feelin' . . . so bad, 
I asked my family doctor just what I had, 
I said, "Doctor, . . . 
(Doctor . . .) 
Mr. M.D., . . . 
(Doctor . . .) 
Now can you tell me, tell me, tell me, 
What's ailin' me?" 
(Doctor . . .) 

He said, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, 
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) 
Yes, indeed, all you really need . . . 
(Is good lovin') 
Gimme that good, good lovin . . . 
(Good lovin') 
All I need is lovin' . . . 
(Good lovin') 
Good lovin', baby. 

Baby please, squeeze me tight . . . (Squeeze me tight) 
Now don't you want your baby to feel alright? (Feel alright) 
I said Baby . . . (Baby) . . . now it's for sure . . . (it's for sure) 
I got the fever, Baby, Baby, but you've got the cure 
(You've got the cure) 

I said, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, 
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) 
Yes, indeed, all I really need . . . 
(Is good lovin') 
Gimme that good, good lovin . . . 
(Good lovin') 
All I need is lovin' . . . 
(Good lovin') 
Good lovin', baby.

Song: Basket Case

domingo, 8 de septiembre de 2013

0. Hello

Course Rules

What does it mean to know a language??
Know how to ...


These are the 4 skills you need to use a language. 


3 unitats per trimestre (+/-)

Els continguts son l’índex del llibre.


La nota del trimestre és la mitjana de:

1.       2  exàmens orals: 1 oral presentation i 1 oral interaction.

2.       2 o 3 redaccions.

3.       2 o 3 listenings

4.       2 o 3 exàmens de vocabulari i gramàtica.

5.       2  notes  de reading: 1 reading session i readings sense diccionari

Si es suspèn el trimestre, les professores decidiran com es pot recuperar.

Speaking 20% + Writing 20%+Reading 20%+Listening 20%+Grammar and Vocabulary 20%
Un alumne amb un 4 que té una bona actitud pot aprovar

Però un alumne amb un 4.5 amb una actitud dolenta no aprovarà.

Tenir bona actitud significa: arribar puntualment, respectar als companys i professors, 

treballar a classe, participar, ajudar als companys, alçar la ma per parlar, fer els deures.


L’assignatura d’anglès pot ser lúdica, divertida, visual, amb vídeos, cançons, etc. Però la metodologia dependrà de l’actitud dels alumnes: si es pot treballar bé a classe podrem passar-nos-ho bé, si no s’hauran d’aplicar mètodes més avorrits: copiar, exercicis de gramàtica, etc.  

Si el comportament és bo farem role-plays (teatre), treballarem cançons, gravarem el teatre i després ho mirarem.

Ës molt important el treball al blog d’anglès de l’escola, servirá per decidir si un alumne aprova o no, o per pujar o baixar nota. Aquest blog es treballarà cada 15 dies a l’escola i l’heu de completar a casa. Per això és molt important que sapigueu com entrar-hi i com editaar-lo. 

Allà heu de buscar 1ESO
  1. Trobareu la unitat 1, amb exercicis interactius que heu de completar, i al final una tasca de redacció relacionada amb el tema de la unitat.
  2. Per escriure la redaccíó haureu d’entrar al blog del vostre grup
  3. Per  editar el blog heu de clicar “entrar-hi” a la part superior dreta de la página, apareixerà una nova página on us demanen nom i password:

                                      Nom: tallada.english
                                      Password:  tallada1
      4. Un cop entreu haureu de buscar el vostre grup, clicar i tornar           a clicar un botó taronja que diu “nueva entrada”. Ara podeu             començar a escriure. No oblideu etiquetar amb el vostre                   primer i segon cognom.

Treballarem amb fulls, din a3 i din a4 els fulls s’han de numerar i cada dia s’ha de posar la data i com a mínim apuntar el que s’ha fet a classe.

Es controlarà periòdicament els apunts i es poden demanar en forma de dossier.

Les 4 destreses: speaking, listening, writing, listening +vocabulari i gramàtica: quan prenguem apunts hem d’apuntar en el títol quina àrea estem treballant, normalment els apunts seran de gramàtica o de vocabulari.

S'han de completar les tasques al blog.

These items are important things in my life. 
Guess what they are